Wednesday, April 25, 2007

People I admire

Periodically I am going to blog about people I know and admire, however I am going to start with two people I admire but don't know personally.

Nelson Mandella
I mean like the guy was in prison for 20+ years. And he comes out and talks about reconciliation with the regime that put him away! Secondly he stepped down from being President of SA. That rarely happens in Africa.
When George Bush traveled to South Africa a few years ago, Mandela decided to leave the country (in protest is how I interpreted it), even after Mr Bush made it clear he was coming and wanted to see Mandela. Mandela said something like, I have nothing to say to you until you stop this invasion of other countries, like Iraq.
And when Brenda Fassie was singing at the Kora Music Awards about 3 years ago, he is in the audience, and Brenda sings and skips down to him. He was so cool.

Jimmy Carter
I mean the guy is simply a plain decent guy. What was he thinking going to Washington as President? For his inauguration parade he walks. He walks with his family. Think about it. Then in the white house he decides that they should put in some solar energy, so he converts 30% to using solar. Cool. (Of course Regan removed it.) Now this guy is my kind of guy.

He is involved in Habitat for Humanity and is always trying to bring world peace. He has the guts to say what Palestine Refugee camps are concentration camps.

1 comment:

Byrna said...

I admire the 2 men you do