Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Book of the month

Once in awhile I read a book and call it a "keeper". That means that I want a hardcover copy and want to reread it every few years. This is not a loaner book, it is a "keeper".

Into the Wild" by JON KRAKAUER, he is better known for Into Thin Air.

Steve Friberg loaned me the book on Monday saying it was not as good as Into Thin Air. I started it in bed that night and took it to work with me on Tuesday, I never take a book to work unless it is technical.

After I finished this book I woke up Erik Mdogo who was sick in bed and said "This is a keeper". He gave the book back to me the next day.

the American Academy of Arts and Letters says of this book "while his account of the life and death of Christopher McCandless, who died of starvation after challenging the Alaskan wilderness, delves even more deeply and disturbingly into the fascination of nature and the devastating effects of its lure on a young and curious mind."

I thought what the young man did was entirely normal. I just think he wasn't 100% prepared and took a big task. But then maybe I am not normal and that "lure" is still there.

I also started to remember how much I regretted settling down as early as I did, which wasn't all that early. Settling down was getting that first job that tied me down and set a precedent. An interesting and challenging and rewarding job.

Driving to work on Wednesday I vowed that I need to get out more regularly into wild places to renew my soul.

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